Reframing OpenDataConnected

A true snowball effect has begun around OpenDataConnected! The result of a relatively modest import of Croatian open data sources into our Aranei data management platform resulted in an international group of interested and helpful people. After many considerations...
Open Data values

Open Data values

Please don’t think of this as a lecture. This is not just a talk or a workshop. It’s an experience and an exploration into the values of OpenData, and you are all take part in it! Open data can be defined as “any data that can be freely used, reused and...
Open Data values

Make a difference with Open Data

Open data can be used for the common good, and it has the power to change lives. Open-data is a good thing. The world is a better place when we share information freely and openly with one another. There are many examples of open-data being used in positive ways: In...
Open Data values

Save the date!

A new type of Open Data event In Zagreb, Croatia and ONLINE December, 7th, 2022 Location TBA Save to your calendar! Open-data is a great source of raw information, yet too often organizations consider it as a chore that is only done because of regulatory compliance....